"A conclusion is simply the place where you got tired of thinking."

What the heck are you doing reading a Bio? Since when does anybody read someone's bio?! What are you, some kind of stalker gathering information about me? Or maybe you're a psychology student wanting to research me to figure out what would drive someone to make such a twistedly insane site. Well, if you're the student, when you get your degree, you'll learn there's no hope for people like me. If you're the stalker, my schedual is...oh, dear, where did I put my schedual? Hold on, let me look for it... *moves to another state*

(Hmm, can I really fit all my self-praise onto one page? Oh, right, this is the Internet. A page can be as long as I want...hehe. More is to come on this Bio. I simply need a bit of time to think of everything wonderful about me.)