"Madness takes its toll. Please have exact change."

Ahh, the best part of my evilness: the Dungeon. Yes, that’s right, you may sip wine while being whipped with stinging nettles! Here we provide you with all the comforts and torturing you'd expect from a quality dungeon, all for your sadistic pleasure. Locked away down here are things very few have ever seen. So strap yourself into one of those stretching thingies, and check out what has been brewing in the dank darkness of this underworld...

First off, don’t ask what the title stands for. It’s too dern long. This is a story written in parts by quite a few different people. Obviously, its presence in the Dungeon should suggest to you how insanely weird this piece of literature is. Read at your own risk.

Project X
It's real. It's no joke. The three mighty Tri-Leaders have convened together on this most dastardly of all projects ever conceived. Want to know a few more crumbs of info about this we've let slip through the cracks? Well then, enter...at your own risk. Mwahahahaaa!