Ahh, a new month. What is it they say about September? I'm not sure, but it's starting to get pretty darn cold. Stupid cold. I might actually have to get out my old jacket and wash it for once. Scary.

Some of you have expressed concern over the progress of the new smilie library. Well, that all depends on your definition of "progress". <=o) It's still stuck mid-way through completion. Lately, I've been working on my StarCraft mod, which has sucked up all my after-school free time. And let's not even talk about homework. *shudder*

Yay! Not that this has much impact on the rest of you, but I have recruited an artist for work on my StarCraft Mod, which means this project is now going to be a TC. Now, all I have to do is hype it up enough everywhere so when it finally comes out, people will jump on it and not leave enough time for word to spread around how much it sucks... =o)

Alrighty, because of some recent, although minor, spamming, the messageboard now has some official rules. You can find a link to them in either the forum or Join the Army of Roseidous. Read them before posting, as they will be the basis for moderating.

This is the day that will live in infamy, for our generation. If only times were simple enough where war could be declared on another country. But now, now we have terrorist groups that slink around like the bogeyman, scuttling around in our fears like a cockroach, seemingly unsquishable. Two landmarks have toppled, and our center of defense has been scarred. A wall of arms has gone up, and only the birds fly once more. To some, nuclear action seems the mildest of action, a twist from the Cold War mindset. Guns, knives, and bombs, we cry out for an assassin's bullet for the one who orchestrated the molestation of this country. Yet we jump at any noise, unknowing who perpetrated the death toll. But that is for tomorrow. Today, we mourn.

Although the events of yesterday are indeed sad, something good has happened today, for me personally, at least. My braces have been removed! Whew, after so many long years, those vile metallic torture devices have been banished from my mouth. Straight, smooth, and squeaky-clean, I've got myself a new smile. =o) And, actually, without the obstruction of the wires, it's a whole lot easier to smile now. =o] Yay for me! Anywho, in other news, I've started work on the Smilie Library after a long delay. Since I have an HTML class, I have an excuse to do it. =o) I'm using it for our current assignment. The project is due Friday, so I'll hopefully be done with it by then, though I doubt it. There's just so much to be done with it. *sigh* But I'll be a good little automaton and get it done, eventually. Wish me luck!

Everyone, I think I'm going to take a break for awhile. Not necessarily from the messageboards, but rather from updating this site. I've just got too much going on. With school, and my current Mod project, I really don't have the time to keep steady updates. I'd like to, but other matters take priority. Unless something really big or important happens, this is how the site will look for awhile. I think I'll give myself about two weeks to get things in order. Don't worry, though, I'll still work on the Smilie Library. I've already started work on two different formats, as some people have better Internet connections than others. The second style should be more 56K friendly, or easier on those with cwappy computers. Thank you to all who are and have been visiting this site. May the next two weeks be productive...lol
