"Please, remove your shoes before entering. Wait, forget that, who knows where your feet have been..."

On the Internet, there are billions of sites, some are informative, others are pornographic (the good majority), while still others are devoted to one’s ego. Well, how can I resist the trend? So I decided to make a naughty pa…err, I mean, I decided to make a page devoted to the one truly beautiful thing on this Earth: my ego. You’ll find here a variety of things that pay homage to yours truly. As I always say, you can never have too big an ego; it just keeps growing, and growing, and growing…

Art Gallery

Take a look at some artwork done by me.

My Life's Story

In other words, my bio. Yes, learn about my bizarre habits, dreams of controlling the horizontal, the vertical, and all you see and hear--to delve into the deepest innner mind to...the outer limits. Doo doo doo do-doo doo! Doo doo doo do, doo!

Mother Goose's Private Collection

Whether it be confusing scifi or tasteless humor, this is where you'll find many of the stories I have written over time. So put on your bifocals and snag a bag of popcorn, 'cause you're in for a treat. Or a really bad case of hemorrhoids.

Hercanic's Realm
Mods and Other Paraphernalia

This is a small site for my alter ego, which dabbles in complicated computer stuff. Not only do I draw, sculpt, write, and look incredibly studly, but I also modify games (modding) to suit my own evil purposes. Aren't I something else?

*beep!* Warning! Ego reaching critical mass! Please evacuate in a calm, orderly manor... Have a nice day!