Dear Unlucky Traveler:
Welcome! First question: What the heck possessed you to visit this site? Seriously, what? Unless you’re insane, there shouldn’t be any reason to be here. So, either click out of here like a freaked mongoose, or seek professional help. Because after being to this site, you’re going to need it. I can recommend a few qualified doctors.

Live eviL

Well, I have a dilemma. I cannot seem to choose which new divider I should use for the News. Perhaps you can help me decide. Go to Vinnie's Academy on the messageboard and vote for one of these options:
A) Razor
B) Swords
C) Egyption
D) Feet
E) Plain (what I have now)
Keep three things in mind: Coolness, Color, and Theme. I look forward to seeing what you choose.

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Well, I fixed it anyway, and the Project X teaser is up and running. Go check it out, and bring a bag of popcorn! I'm hungry.

Smilies! We've got smilies! The latest addition to our messageboard is the arrival of 50+ brand-spankin' new smilies! You'll find a link to the legend underneath the Ranking System link in "Join the Army". I hope you enjoy! My personal favorite would have to be the exploding head one. =o)


Since 7/03/2001